Der Führer is Your Daddy

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Der Führer is Your Daddy: Reflections on politics, the news industry and social media from inside the pandemic vortex

Revised & Updated Edition

If politics is understood as a concerted endeavour to achieve the greatest possible degree of autonomy and well-being for the greatest number of people, then politics has been dying for a long time. As a matter of fact, at least when it comes to the highest levels of decision making, it probably was a stillborn venture, another ideal out of so many that never had a real existence outside the minds of philosophers and the pages of books. Be it as it may, today its demise is probably more evident than ever in the so-called Western countries where democracy and the separation of powers are meant to be cornerstones of a social organization that professes to stand for individual freedoms. The rescue of politics is of paramount importance.

Average Jean

A fan of Jean-Luc Godard once told me that A Bout de Souffle was the worst Nouvelle Vague movie ever but still the one that starred the most glamorous couple in the history of cinema. Hyperboles aside, my friend had a point. Regrettably, I can’t remember what it was about.

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